
криптографическая система, криптосистема; шифросистема
- abuse-free cryptosystem
- algebraic code cryptosystem
- analog cryptosystem
- asymmetric cryptosystem
- asymmetric key cryptosystem
- authentication/secrecy cryptosystem
- bijective public key cryptosystem
- binary cryptosystem
- block cryptosystem
- broadcast cryptosystem
- broadcasting cryptosystem
- cipher-feedback cryptosystem
- classical cryptosystem
- common-key cryptosystem
- communication cryptosystem
- compromised cryptosystem
- computationally secure cryptosystem
- conference cryptosystem
- conventional cryptosystem
- DES-based cryptosystem
- DES-like cryptosystem
- deterministic cryptosystem
- DH cryptosystem
- Diffie and Hellman cryptosystem
- discrete-exponentiation cryptosystem
- discrete log cryptosystem
- E3 cryptosystem
- effectively unbreakable cryptosystem
- elliptic curve cryptosystem
- endomorphic cryptosystem
- end-to-end encryption cryptosystem
- error propagating cryptosystem
- factorization cryptosystem
- finite cryptosystem
- finite automation cryptosystem
- Galois field cryptosystem
- general cryptosystem
- generalized cryptosystem
- Goppa-code cryptosystem
- hardware-implemented cryptosystem
- hidden key cryptosystem
- high-grade cryptosystem
- high-speed cryptosystem
- hybrid public-secret key cryptosystem
- hybrid stream/block cryptosystem
- identity-based cryptosystem
- intractable cryptosystem
- indecipherable cryptosystem
- iterated cryptosystem
- keyed cryptosystem
- key escrow cryptosystem
- key-minimal cryptosystem
- knapsack-based cryptosystem
- knapsack public key cryptosystem
- matrix cryptosystem
- McEliece' cryptosystem
- Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem
- MH cryptosystem
- microprocessor based cryptosystem
- minuend cryptosystem
- multiple access cryptosystem
- multiple destination cryptosystem
- multiplicative knapsack cryptosystem
- network cryptosystem
- non-linear cryptosystem
- number theoretic cryptosystem
- one-key cryptosystem
- one-master-key cryptosystem
- one-time-key cryptosystem
- one-time-pad cryptosystem
- one-time-tape cryptosystem
- perfect secrecy cryptosystem
- practical security cryptosystem
- private key cryptosystem
- proprietary cryptosystem
- provable secure cryptosystem
- public key cryptosystem
- public key distribution cryptosystem
- public key signature cryptosystem
- rapid cryptosystem
- reciprocal number cryptosystem
- residue cryptosystem
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman cryptosystem
- rotor cryptosystem
- RSA public key cryptosystem
- r-th residue cryptosystem
- secret-key cryptosystem
- secure cryptosystem
- shared key cryptosystem
- shift register cryptosystem
- single-key cryptosystem
- sophisticated cryptosystem
- split key cryptosystem
- strong cryptosystem
- subtractive cryptosystem
- symmetric cryptosystem
- theoretically unbreakable cryptosystem
- threshold cryptosystem
- transposition cryptosystem
- trap-door-knapsack public key cryptosystem
- transient key cryptosystem
- threshold cryptosystem
- two-key cryptosystem
- unbreakable cryptosystem
- voice cryptosystem
- cryptosystem immune to cryptoanalysis

Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "cryptosystem" в других словарях:

  • Cryptosystem — There are two different meanings of the word cryptosystem. One is used by the cryptographic community, while the other is the meaning understood by the public. General meaning In this meaning, the term cryptosystem is used as shorthand for… …   Wikipedia

  • cryptosystem — kriptosistema statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Programinė įranga – procedūrų, ↑protokolų, kriptografinių ↑algoritmų, pagalbinių dokumentų ir kt. priemonių, reikalingų duomenims ↑užšifruoti ir ↑iššifruoti, paketas. atitikmenys: angl.… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • cryptosystem — The associated items of cryptomaterial that are used as a unit and provide a single means of encryption and decryption. See also cipher; code; decrypt; encipher …   Military dictionary

  • cryptosystem — noun Date: 1955 a method for encoding and decoding messages …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cryptosystem — /krip toh sys teuhm/, n. a system for encoding and decoding secret messages. Also, crypto system. [1965 70; CRYPTO + SYSTEM] * * * …   Universalium

  • cryptosystem — noun A system of cryptography …   Wiktionary

  • cryptosystem — cryp·to·system …   English syllables

  • cryptosystem — /ˈkrɪptoʊsɪstəm/ (say kriptohsistuhm) noun a method of processing secret information involving both encryption and decryption …  

  • cryptosystem — ¦krip(ˌ)tōˌ noun Etymology: crypt + system : a method for encoding and decoding messages * * * /krip toh sys teuhm/, n. a system for encoding and decoding secret messages. Also, crypto system. [1965 70; CRYPTO + SYSTEM] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem — The Goldwasser Micali cryptosystem (GM) is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm developed by Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali in 1982. GM has the distinction of being the first probabilistic public key encryption scheme which is provably… …   Wikipedia

  • McEliece cryptosystem — In cryptography, the McEliece cryptosystem is an asymmetric encryption algorithm developed in 1978 by Robert McEliece.[1] It was the first such scheme to use randomization in the encryption process. The algorithm has never gained much acceptance… …   Wikipedia

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